Present: McGraw, Mumy, Vasey, Haddad, David,
1 Minutes Approved
2 Course requests
a) Psychology 821 - approved
i) Add weighting of course requirements to syllabus
ii) Prerequisite list – can it be changed to just 828 instead of listing the sequence?
b) Psych 865 - approved
3 Graduate Minor in Environmental and Natural Resources
i) Are there SBS courses that should be included?
ii) Should concurrence be provided?
(a) Suggested that a method for creating “history” be explored to ensure that agreements will be kept in the future
(b) SBS courses would be appropriate to add and would like the opportunity to explore and include them
4 Free electives – University rule to include 15 hours of free electives
i) Not much of an issue for SBS students who have more flexibility in their hours
ii) Minors count as free elective
iii) Recognized that students are getting breadth in GEC
iv) Question of what the original intent of the requirement was – perception is that GEC meets the need to ensure student breadth
v) What constitutes a free elective? Is transfer credit that doesn’t count toward program considered a free elective?
vi) Students outside SBS might no longer take courses in SBS if free electives not required
vii) Student rep believes requirement does not benefit students
5 Discussion of B.S. GEC requirements
i) Similar to BA template with minor changes
(a) 2 student choice courses could include math 153 or higher
ii) Language requirement
(a) Anthro BS students need language for graduate program admission
(b) Question of whether students would choose a BS degree to avoid language requirement if it is not part of the BS template?
(c) Concern that students who switch from BS to BA would have to go back and take language (or more language)
variations proposed as substitutes for 104 seem reasonable