College Committee - BIO


10-11:30, Bio Sci 105
There will be no packet for this meeting.

Approval of meeting minutes (attached below)
Research substitution (i.e. are students permitted to substitute 693, 699 or H783 credit for laboratory requirements in the major, and if so, are there any stipulations?)
Assessment (including the student survey)

Present: Conroy, Tuovinen, Breitenberger, Somers, Cole, Mercerhill, Eakins, Foster,  McDaniel



  1. Microbiology H783 - approved
    1. Original proposal was 1973, changes bring course up to date with practice


  1. BME 303 concurrence request
    1. Question of if 400 level pre-req is appropriate for 300 level course
    2. General feeling is that concurrence should be provided


  1. Research Experiences
    1. Are lab requirements for major interchangeable with 693, 699 or H783?
    2. PCMB – yes
    3. Microbio – no, 3 labs are part of core so no need
    4. Bio Chem – yes, but 693 projects have to match lab requirement
    5. Mole Gen – 3 consecutive quarter of 693 can sub for lab
    6. EEOB – Zoology has 2 labs in major
    7. EE requires specific lab


  1. Globalization Studies Major proposal concurrence request
    1. Question of how it differs from International Studies major

                                                             a.      This is geared toward Business

    1. Caroline to send suggested courses from Bio Sci to proposers


  1. Assessment
    1. Report for Bio Major

                                                             a.      Assessment map reviewed

                                                            b.      Major Field Test to be used at end of month

    1. Student Learning Outcomes in Major Program Report – from 1999 plan
    2. MFT – Bio Sci can add up to 50 of its own questions
    3. Embedded testing – using learning outcomes in tests, assignments
    4. Caroline to talk to specific faculty about how embedded testing is used in their courses
    5. Which courses would be beneficial to review for embedding for each major? (which ones would demonstrate learning outcomes are being achieved for the major?)
Meeting Notes 1-18-07.doc 01/30/2007 08:56:32 AM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Microbiology H783 Honors Research Change Registrar's Office N/A