Present: Conroy, Tuovinen, Breitenberger, Somers, Cole, Mercerhill, Eakins, Foster, McDaniel
- Microbiology H783 - approved
- Original proposal was 1973, changes bring course up to date with practice
- BME 303 concurrence request
- Question of if 400 level pre-req is appropriate for 300 level course
- General feeling is that concurrence should be provided
- Research Experiences
- Are lab requirements for major interchangeable with 693, 699 or H783?
- PCMB – yes
- Microbio – no, 3 labs are part of core so no need
- Bio Chem – yes, but 693 projects have to match lab requirement
- Mole Gen – 3 consecutive quarter of 693 can sub for lab
- EEOB – Zoology has 2 labs in major
- EE requires specific lab
- Globalization Studies Major proposal concurrence request
- Question of how it differs from International Studies major
a. This is geared toward Business
- Caroline to send suggested courses from Bio Sci to proposers
- Assessment
- Report for Bio Major
a. Assessment map reviewed
b. Major Field Test to be used at end of month
- Student Learning Outcomes in Major Program Report – from 1999 plan
- MFT – Bio Sci can add up to 50 of its own questions
- Embedded testing – using learning outcomes in tests, assignments
- Caroline to talk to specific faculty about how embedded testing is used in their courses
- Which courses would be beneficial to review for embedding for each major? (which ones would demonstrate learning outcomes are being achieved for the major?)