Present: McGraw, Mumy, Vasey, Haddad,
1. Course re-design – guests Ed Adelson, Alexis Collier and Randy Smith
a. OSU part of national level program funded through Pew Foundation to redesign introductory courses, Statistics 135 received grant to redesign course that is taught to 3000 students per year. Established learning outcomes and divided them into modules; students took learning style evaluation at beginning of course and complete each module at own pace; focus is now on smaller group work and technology than large lectures; lower drop out rates and higher success rates than previous course – has won national awards
b. Courses across the country have redesigned their courses and are now available to serve as models
c. Funding is being requested to allow other courses on campus to be redesigned
d. Chosen course faculty would travel to other campuses to see how they redesigned similar courses
e. Randy Smith on National Re-Design Alliance as board member
f. Proposals will be solicited in the next few weeks