Present: Andereck, Breitenberger, Horn, Johnson, Jones, Mockabee, Mumy, Smith
Discussion of GEC Assessment Activities
David Andereck distributed a handout titled “GEC Assessment Thoughts” to guide the discussion on GEC Assessment. Concern was expressed over the second item on the list, specifically that departments with a large number of GEC courses would see a request of summaries stating how their courses meet the goals of the GEC might be too cumbersome. Another concern was raised that departments may have a tendency to send only the best syllabi for review and may not send ones that are applicable for all course sections. The suggestion was made to initially request information only from those departments with the highest enrollment in GEC courses.
The discussion turned to hiring a full time employee to assist with the GEC and major assessment activities. The committee agreed that they would like to discuss the necessary skill set and characteristics of such an employee with a group more knowledgeable in the area of assessment. Alan Kalish from Faculty and TA Development, Alexis Collier from Psychology, Herb Weisberg from Political Science, Randall Olsen from the Center for Human Resources Research, and a member from the