9:00-11:00 a.m., 105A Brown Hall
Present: Childs, Mockabee, Morgan, Rudd, Yerkes
1) Nov. 20 minutes approved
2) Latin 170/270 – approved with contingency
1. Need statement of goals and objectives under learning outcomes section of syllabus for GEC.
2. Need GEC rationale statement and assessment (assessment can be copied from Latin 101-104)
3. Latin 270 – grading scale doesn’t add up to 100% - needs to be corrected.
3) BSD Requirements for Design – Approved
4) English 269 – Approved.
5) Guidelines for new GEC Historical Study category – Discussion
- Purpose is to give students the option to take upper division coursework, which will be more challenging for them.
- It was noted that #4 “How do the written assignments fit the objectives…” has been added. B. Childs suggested that all four questions that departments must answer to be considered should be listed on website to guide faculty who submit proposals.
- New guidelines – add GEC Goals/Objectives to “Learning Objectives” paragraph.
- Valarie will work with Jennifer Seigel.