Present: Berman, Breitenberger, Hobgood, Mercerhill, Bitters
1. Feb. 19 minutes approved
a. Geological Sciences 204
i. Question of what criteria make a sequence
ii. Concern that there is not a strong connection between the courses
iii. Committee requests a rationale for why this course should be connected to each of the requested courses (How do Geological Sciences 100 and 204 make a sequence with respect to content?)
iv. Approved as a Physical Science course
v. Sequence approval pending adequate rationale as requested above
2. GEC Guidelines
a. Sub B & C will likely be doing some information gathering regarding what works and does not work with our current guidelines and supplemental guidelines
b. In the future, these committees will be re-evaluating the guidelines and resources provided to faculty who propose GECs
3. Question of whether SIS will be able to show the actual title of topics and group studies courses on transcripts and the on-line master schedule – information will be sought to find out what the SIS design will include
4. AP credit – more information is being requested and data gathered; CCI will come back to the topic later in the quarter.