I. Announcements
· Re-accreditation updates
o Self-study report (Chapter 3) http://oaa.osu.edu/reaccreditation/selfstudy_report.php
o April 16, 2007 afternoon
o Likely 3-4 PM
o Team for Assessment Emphasis includes:
- Susan Fritz, Assoc. V-Chancellor, Institute of Ag and Nat Resources,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Sharon Hamilton, Assoc. V-Chancellor, Aca Affairs, IUPUI
- (Ingrid Gould, Assoc. Provost & Asst. VP, U of
· ASC Exit Survey
· Future agendas
o Finish course review
o Determine categories or additional categories
o Consider interfaces with other subcommittees and new advisory committee
II. Review of Course Set III (see attached)
III. Additional discussion of re-accreditation visit (as time permits)