Present: Shanda, Trudeau, Wanzer, Irvin, Andereck, Collier, Mercerhill
- Updates from the Chair
- One more meeting this year
- Univ. Level oversight committee being formed – the members may come to our last meeting if formed in time
- Re-accreditation update
i. Alexis grateful for all the work that was done
ii. Team was impressed with the embedded assessment and that people across campus were talking about assessment and the progress that we are and will continue to make
- Next Steps
- Potential Category Review – University-level committee will want to see this
- Sub B & C want to revise the guidelines for GEC categories; as part of this they want to have focus groups
- Suggestion to do a category review in the fall and have a focus group that includes questions that Sub E requests as well as B & C
- Suggested that a task force be formed to pull together all of the current guidelines and present them to CCI in the fall. This process would help Sub E to know what data is needed to thoroughly examine categories.
- Student focus groups suggested as one method of assessment of categories
- How do we know that a cross section of students from the university has any capability in a specific category of the GEC?
- Suggested that some sort of post-test that gets to the heart of the category objectives might be an option for assessment
- Suggested that we might survey all faculty who teach in that category, conduct a focus group of faculty
- Possible categories:
i. 1st and 2nd level writing – 367s
ii. 2nd category - Arts and Humanities
- Course review – maintain multiple categories, look at next highest enrollment courses or select 5 courses from each category
- Historical Study proposal:
- Category objectives: concern that the language is not measurable and does not match up with the objectives of the rest of the GEC
- Question of why we are switching goals & objectives when they had been approved by CCI 2 years ago?
- Members asked to look at the model curriculum and compare it to the goals we’ve established and then compare them to the proposed historical study goals and objectives