Present: Harned, Tupman, Proctor, Mercerhill, Mockabee, Ward, Thompson, Palazzi, Simcox, Gill, Giffin
- Minutes from Feb 12 approved
- Music 215.02 – sent back
- Resubmitted with grading added to syllabus that conflicts with S/U mark on request form; needs clarification
- Needs course objectives
- Music 787, 787.02 & 787.03 – sent back
- Requirements and grading needs more detail with regard to what is expected for the book presentation and term paper
- Participation grade needs to go into detail as to what “attentiveness” is
- Incorporate due dates into topical outline
- .02 needs a course description for the course request form
- Art H795 – postponed until next meeting
- Will need GEC proposal information
- Video Arts Minor proposal - approved
- Suggested that faculty should advise students regarding which courses would be best for them to take; at the least, advisors should refer students to faculty teaching the courses to help answer questions about individual courses
- Agreed that Arts advisors will refer students to faculty as appropriate
- Corrections need to be made to the minor sheet
- Decided that the planning sheet is not needed but can be changed to be the minor approval form
- Scoured the course syllabi and gave corrections
- Minor corrections to the proposal will be made and submitted to Jessica
- Tagged Degree program response to BA & BS GEC templates
- Tagged Degree programs need to determine if they want to change their GEC requirements. Information provided by Valarie to chairs.