Present: Palazzi, Tupman, Mockabee, Simcox, Wyszomirski, Giffin, Fox, Mercerhill, Harned, Florman, Gill, Ward
- Insight Areas Proposal being discussed in GEC
- 4 “areas” – moral reasoning, technological literacy, visual literacy, diversity
- Feedback requested from curriculum committees
- Much support expressed for all inclusive option in GEC
- Feeling that students are gaining technological literacy and moral reasoning in the major as well as diversity; visual literacy seen as something “new”
- Question of how much needs to be in a course to have the insight status?
- Approval of meeting minutes – approved
- Music 215.02 – approved
- Dance requests
- 201 series– housekeeping; non-major course offerings –
- All disability statements are too small
- Consider ways in which students could be provided a midterm assessment
- 601 series– grad course equivalent for 201 – all syllabi need to distinguish the difference between undergrad and grad work; make sure the required readings are included, .03 – more fully describe how assignments and grading will be defined
- Approved contingent on appropriate changes to syllabi above and a cover sheet explaining the matrix for these courses
- PSP proposal
- Once the student has found an advisor, they should enter into an agreement with the advisor and have form signed
- Submit your application no later than the end of your 6th quarter
- Suggested that guidelines be provided for the statement of intent