Present: Breitenberger, Eakins, Somers, Harder, Horn, Cole, Mercerhill, Baker, Foster, McDaniel
- Bio 701- approved
- GTA training as part of GIS in university teaching
- Requested concurrences from FTAD, EHE- will be included in final packet
i. Will be required for TAs teaching 401 and 402
- What is micro teaching?--- one component of a course (ie a lab)
- Concern that the course will take away from GTA research
- Question of what the domestic to international ratio is, thought is that domestic students will be interested
- Will fulfill intro to Bio teaching course requirements
- Bio 401 and 402- approved
- Noted that the same set of topics are discussed both quarters - one quarter is not enough to develop a pattern of thinking in students
- Topics are brought in through many different angles
- Informational materials will be developed and supplied for instructors and students
- Caroline will meet with advising cluster to discuss changes
- Concerns about mechanics of delivering course
- Concern about ensuring students have learned what they need to - Assessment plan will be developed
- Committee revising major studied student patterns
i. Most students are doing the core and specialization and then taking random courses, this version will limit the randomization
- Agenda for next meeting
- Specialization for Bio Major
- Assessment of plans for courses and majors
- Insight areas proposal in GEC. Should students be required to take a diversity course?
- General feeling is that students are already getting the “insight areas” in their course work.