Present: Touvinen, Eakins, Breitenburger, Mercerhill, Cole, McDaniel
Guest: Ridgway
- Assessment of Biology Major
- Learning outcomes
- Learning outcomes should use action words such as “apply” instead of words like “understand”
- Learning outcomes will be shared with students via the curriculum manual
- Suggested that an ad hoc committee of advisors and the major revision committee work on revising outcomes this summer
- Judy interviewed Denman winners about where they achieved the learning outcomes of the major- most of them said they achieved this in their independent research
i. Committee wonders if students who didn’t do independent research would answer differently
- Suggested that additional learning outcomes be developed for Honors programs- ad hoc committee will look at this
- Bio 401
- Remove pre-req allowing HS AP Bio
- Bio Major program outline
- Core requirements are 12 hrs
- Individual study in the life sciences can be included to a max of 5 hrs
- Possible Bio Minor
- 401 and 402- 10 hrs
- Additional courses within COB to a minimum of 20 hrs
- Must be approved by a BIO advisor
- No overlap with the GEC
- Proposal coming autumn
- EEOB 513- sent back
- Cant be changed to 513- it’s already in use- maybe use 500 or 501
- .02 hours don’t match syllabus