Present: Childs, Renker, Lowry, Heiden, Mercerhill, Highley, Bunker
Noted that it would be helpful to let faculty know that student papers may be used for assessment purposes without gaining student permission
Department | Course | Title | Type | Latest Committee | Latest Status | |
English | 364 | Special Topics in Reading Popular Culture | New | Request Completed | ||
English | 578.02 | Special Topics in Cinema | Change | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
German | 530 | German Language Past and Present | New | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
History | 368.02 | Native American Peoples of the Andes | New | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
French | 401 | French Grammar Review | Change | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
French | 402 | Intermediate French Conversation | Change | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
French | 418 | French Language and Culture | Change | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
French | 440 | Introduction to the Study of Contemporary French | Change | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
French | 631 | Topics in French Cultures and Literatures | Change | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
History | 368 | Introduction to Native American History | Change | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
History | 368 | Introduction to Native American History | Change | Registrar's Office | N/A |