College Committee - HUM


1-2:30, Brown 105
English 264, 364, 578.01 & .02
History 333, 362
Portuguese 560, 561, 650
AAAS 759, 765
Discuss process re "routine requests" (i.e., Italian 732)
Revisit discussion on Film Studies (Bruce)

Present: Childs, Heiden, Tebben, Mercerhill, Jacobs, Bitters, Bunker, Lowry  


  1. AAAS 759 & 765 – approved
    1. Make sure syllabus states that the literature review is in lieu of final exam
    2. Concurrence forms have been sent to multiple units
  2. English 264 – approved
  3. English 364 – sent back
    1. Course description should read “media” instead of “medium”
    2. Syllabi need to have the GEC category goals/objectives
    3. Assessment plan needs to focus on these GEC goals/objectives
    4. Syllabus should indicate clearly which requirements this course fulfills for the English Department and the GEC
    5. Descriptions of the requirements may help demonstrate the applicability t the GEC category requested
    6. Either use the university’s statement of academic misconduct or explain why yours is being used – it caused confusion and is seen as redundant
  4. English 578.01 – sent back – committee would like to discus this with a representative from the department
    1. Syllabi need to have GEC goals/objectives; assessment plan needs to focus on these GEC goals/objectives
    2. Assessment plan does not assess whether or not the course is achieving the learning objectives of the course; section c of the plan needs to be fleshed out in order to achieve this
  5. English 578.02 – on hold for representation
  6. History 333 – approved
    1. Consider applying for Diversity GEC status
  7. History 362 – approved
    1. One member recommended that course packet be posted on Carmen
  1. Portuguese 561 – approved
  2. Portuguese 560 – approved
  3. Portuguese 650 – approved
  4. Minutes approved from April 17
  5. Return to discussion of Film Studies
    1. No new decisions made
  6. Discussion of what the purview of the CC is with regards to curricular proposals
    1. Committee reconsidered the routine request to change Italian 732 from 2-5 to 5 hours credit. It was determined that it was a routine request and therefore it will be sent through with syllabus included although it was not necessary.
  7. Clusters Pilot program is now funded; there will be a request for proposals soon
Unapproved Minutes 4-17-07.doc 04/18/2007 09:58:55 AM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
English 264 Reading Popular Culture Change Registrar's Office N/A
English 578.01 Special Topics in Film and Literature Change Registrar's Office N/A
History 333 History of Antisemitism: From the Enlightment to the Present Day New Registrar's Office N/A
History 362 History of Technology New Registrar's Office N/A
Portuguese 561 Brazilian Culture and Civilization Change Registrar's Office N/A
Portuguese 560 Portuguese Culture and Civilization Change Registrar's Office N/A
Portuguese 650 Topics in Literature of the Portuguese-Speaking World Change Registrar's Office N/A
African American and African Studies 759 Topics in African Diaspora Studies New Registrar's Office N/A
African American and African Studies 765 African Social Movements in the Age of Globalization New Registrar's Office N/A