Present: Hadad, Turner, Andereck, Mercerhill, Ryden, Lang, Hsing, Gerlach
- Stat 504- sent back
- Replaces 604 proposal
- Committee would like to see the differences between the 2 proposals spelled out
- Suggested that it be offered as a group studies 594 or 694
- Quarters offered needs to be corrected- 4 sections/year all in summer?
- Request for more info about what lectures will contain- These will be sent to Jessica
- 96 min classes- normally they are 78 min sessions- a rationale for longer classes is needed
- Insight Area
- Proposal a result of McHale report
- 0 credit hour courses (all overlap with another GEC category)- 3 currently required in Diversity
- Visual literacy, Moral reasoning and technological literacy requested additions be McHale
- Desire to minimize requirements placed on students
- Major and GEC complement option preferred as long as liberal interpretation of literacy is applied