Present: McGraw, Mumy, Vasey, Haddad, Davis, Knapp, Bellair, Nittrouer, Cox, Liddle, Mercerhill, Steckel, Stough
- Minutes from Feb 1 & 15 approved
- Sociology 389 – approved
- Will not count toward major requirements
- Limited staffing restricts course from Forensic Science minors
- Assignments are prep work for guest speakers
- There are currently no courses outside the major that meets the need
- Sociology 330 - approved
- Attempt to make Book 3 and transcript information clearer to students
- Sociology 440 – approved
- Paul to follow-up regarding Allied Med concurrence
- Jessica to send for Comp Studies concurrence
- Recommended that sociological terminology be clearer in class schedule
- Sociology 608 – on hold until concurrence discussions can be held
- Request is to remove pre-reqs because the information needed is covered in the course
- Speech and Hearing Science 760 – approved
- Change pre-req to include the requirement of at least a B- in 765
- Speech and Hearing Science 643 – sent back
- Add subtitles to decimalized versions, ie “Professional Issues in Audiology: Ethical Practice and Licensure”
- Change course objectives to match course descriptions
- Add clinic hours to syllabi