College Committee - ARTS


3-5PM Smith Lab 4187

1. Theatre 300 (revised)
2. Music 101.01 (change)
3. Music 200.11 (change)
4. (tentative) Dance 801.61 pending form
5.Joe Rutter and Loraine Cathala: new electronic course tracking system overview
6.Concurrence discussions from units





Present: Rutter, Cruttenden, Tupman, Fox, Proctor, Simcox, Haase, Mockabee, Harvey, Lee, Thompson

1. Intro of the new Electronic course approval system—Joe Rutter

            Kathy will set up the training room/time and gather contact names.


2. Approval of minutes of 11-15 meeting – Unanimously approved (after some changes)

            Explicit comments are appreciated.

3. Theater 300—approved

            i. course form: change contact hours on to 1 2-hr class, 1 2-hr lab- done.

            Motion to approve: Rebecca Harvey   2nd:  Greg Proctor

            Unanimously approved


4. Music 101.01 – approved with contingency (ii-iv)

            i. intro- part of the major, one elective course

            ii. needs title of the course on syllabus

            iii. what defines “participation”?

            iv. “policy statements for syllabi” seemed awkward

            Motion to approve:  Greg Proctor       2nd:  Rebecca Harvey  

            Unanimously approved

5. Music 200.11 – approved

            i. change of pre-req: ok

            Motion to approve:  Greg Proctor       2nd:  Rebecca Harvey  

            Unanimously approved

6. Discussion of program change of Art BA/BFA (brought by Rebecca Harvey)

            i. intro & objectives of the change-(1) BA/portfolio review (2) degree declaring process (3) rigor of the programs

            ii. Q: BFA as the default choice. Why can’t students declare BA when they come into the program? Rebecca will further discuss with Kevin.

            a. proposal p.1, bullet 1— could the language “at any time after their first two quarters” change to a time window to declare degree?

            b. add a clause of language requirement if they cannot be Art Ed major after a certain time

c. students need to know the consequences of declaring certain degrees before making choices, such as a survey course, presentation, or orientation

iii. proposal p.2-- is 595 eliminated? No. it will be restructured

7. Art Ed 701 and 830

            i. change 830 to 701

            ii. change 701 to 830


            Motion to approve:  Greg Proctor       2nd:  Reiley

            Unanimously approved 


8. Dance 801.61

            Need to be uploaded on CRMT

COTA minutes 11-30-07.doc 03/05/2008 04:13:52 PM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Music 101.01 Applied Music for Nonmajors Grp Inst Piano Change Registrar's Office Pending
Music 200.11 Applied Music Secondary Piano Change Registrar's Office Pending
Art Education 830 History of Art Education Change Registrar's Office Pending
Art Education 701 Seminar on Art History in Art Education Change Registrar's Office Pending