CCI Subcommittee - D


9-11am, 4187 Smith Lab

Freshman Seminar Proposals
Discussion of policy on repeating seminars
Professional Pathways in Wall Street Proposal
Clusters update
What do we mean by "Professional Pathways"?

Present: Stough, Krissek, Mumy, Avorgbedor, Harder, Weide, Mercerhill


  1. Freshman Seminar Proposals:
    1. Terry Barrett: Art in Columbus, Looking & Responding

                                                               i.      What is the boundary between S & U? Define what % is for grading section. If a student misses more than 1 class, do they automatically get a U?

                                                             ii.      Suggested that one of the course assignments include application of what the students see to what is read, or make #3 a reflection of chapter text on the work viewed

                                                            iii.      Approved with changes

    1. Rick Livingston: Where to Columbus? Perspectives on Leadership in Central Ohio

                                                               i.      Request for confirmation of faculty status

                                                             ii.      Concern regarding scholarly research/focus – suggested that a scholarly work be incorporated, i.e. something that describes models of city organization/governance that can be compared to/used to help with creation of briefing book

                                                            iii.      When do the students create the briefing book? More detail about the project needs to be included on syllabus. Does each student get a grade for an individual part of the project, or just one final grade?

                                                           iv.      Can the discussion incorporate urbanization/globalization issues? Consider cutting number of topics to allow examination of globalization/urbanization and comparison to Columbus

                                                             v.      Sent back

  1. Pathways in Wall Street
    1. Question of how many other courses students would be likely to take after this course (last line of 1st paragraph, course description)
    2. Why call it Wall Street? Would Financial Services be more appropriate?
    3. Suggested adding a discussion of other countries
    4. Suggested adding a discussion of career options to topical outline – combine current weeks 7 & 8 to ensure time?
    5. Question of whether non-majors will be able to follow the week 5 discussion
    6. Are all weekly readings coming from the Wall Street Journal?
    7. Committee likes idea of course, needs clarification for questions above – sent back
  2. Repeating Freshman Seminar Discussions
    1. Committee established policy of reviewing all requests for renewing seminars each academic year – faculty will be given 2-3 quarters to improve areas of concern in courses
Wall Street form & syllabus.pdf 02/15/2008 01:10:42 PM
Barrett - Au 08.pdf 02/13/2008 11:57:15 AM
Livingston - AU08.doc 02/13/2008 11:45:52 AM