1. Approval of Minutes from 11-4-08 (attached below) 2. Updates
Items from Chair
CS 4 Wrap Up Meeting (11-12-08), reports due 12-15-08
Nat Sci Sequence Topics List e-mail sent 11-14
Recap of 367 Rubric Development Workgroup meeting (see agenda and 367 Faculty Focus Group Final Report attached below)
University Level Advisory Committee on the GEC : next meeting Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 12:00 - 2:00 p.m., Bricker 200
3. Review of Econ 201-202 resubmission (see paper packet for 201 primary reviewer document and samples of past reviews. See also Alexis Collier's 11/4/08 e-mail for other review examples)
4. ASC Majors assessment: discussion of approaches to review of majors reports (link to majors reports by year: http://artsandsciences.osu.edu/about/assessment.cfm)
(Paper packets were distributed but electronic versions of public documents are attached below)