Time: 2:00-3:30p.m Location: 4187 Smith Lab Time: 2:00-3:30p.m Loaction: 4187 Smith Lab
Approval of Minutes from 3/3/09
Items from Chair
Replacements for Keith Irvin and Kay Halasek
Carmen GEC Goals brainstorming meeting
Competencies work group 4/27 summary
GEC Course Reviews
Stats 145 and 135 report status
Reminders sent for reports due in 1/31/10: Math 104 (revised complete report), AAAS 121-122 (plan for Hist Study & Diversity Int’l, non-Western), English 367 (2 year update)
Discussion of French 102-103-104, Philosophy 101, Art 300 (please check Share Point for reviewer assignments and post comments)
GEC Assessment Discussion - plans for continued review of categories, courses, faculty focus group for fall