Proposal for Interdisciplinary Minor in Forensic Science will be reviewed (note: more syllabi and concurrences will be given at the meeting if not before)
Popular Culture Studies will be discussed
International Studies
Professor Mughan still working on developing responses to strengthen request for BS in all thematic tracks and areas.
Prefers to have the whole program approved instead of the various tracks.
Professor Mughan will work more on justifying the inclusion of the science courses and why they’re there
Interidisciplinary Grants -- A sentence has been added to ID grant for graduate funds to coordinate with
Forensic Science Minor
Suggestion to lowering to 23; as course credit hours are not all 5 and at 25 credit hours, many curricula would have to include six courses; at 23 it more likely stays in the 5 course model
Some discussion regarding advising structure/information; more about information dissemination than program structure
Suggesting changing the title of 211 to have a title w/o the term “intro”, so as not to have two courses in the minor starting with “Introduction to Forensic..”
211 grant proposal to come; wondering if there would be any discourse on ethics at sompoint in the course.
For presenting at CCI:ASC office to invite:Terry Gustafson, Chemistry; Sam Stout, Anthro
Sergio Soave in
Department for future inclusion
Popular Culture Studies Minor
Need to decouple the faculty specificity with the English 597, and Philosophy 240.Mostly a DARS and approval issue; perhaps place “prior approval of course necessary”
Asking topresent this with a grouping of courses; committee asks to format the list of courses in a cross list in a table format
Invite Jared Gardner, Comp Studies, or, Ted Goings, AAAS
General Discussion
General Discussion:
Suggestion from Rao Unnava, Business
Minors set goals for enrollments – to help with 3 year assess – to help with maintainence – i.e. reach a cohort of 50 3 years in a row; otherwise, an imbalance of resources and benefits.Gives motivation; some mindfulness.
Discussion re Oversight question in McHale Proposal
CCI keep assess GEC, not add another level; need to be Very careful about resources
Something to be said for benign neglect
Currently, Mostly Sub B and Sub C looking at this; any different structure possible?
One suggestion:Alexis become part of OAA team – with program review, institutional review, etc
One thing clear:ASC Cant say we own it leave us alone
College – works individually with depts. To deliver waht they need: Negotiates with specific courses – for example down to book level and applications taught in Economics course.Another example:English – narrative dramatic writing vs. technical writing.
Note:For Business external accreditation – 50% of courses must be outside their college
Susan Petry will summarize discussion and send to Alexis Collier.
New Asking for Committee to begin thinking about the possibility of constructing an honors minor