Tuesday, 3-4:30pm, 105A Brown Hall
- Anne Carry - The Worst Day Ever
- Ilya Ioschikhes - Basic approaches in bioinformatics
- H.G.Parsa- You eat what you are: Food and Culture in America
- Maurice Stevens- After Schock Making the self anew in times of catastrophe
- Frankel & Keeler - Not in my backyard- what to do with nuclear waste?
- Mazumder & Guezennec- Fuel Cells: Worth the Hype
- Chad Seifried- The predictability of sporting contests
- Stephen Summerhill- The second Spanish republic and civil war in art, literature and film
- John Herrington- Junk science and public policy
- L.A. Olson- Ethics and biomedical science
- Seifried & Adelman- The race for number one