College Committee - ARTS


105 BROWN HALL 9:15-10:30

Present: Petry, Mockabee, Mercerhill, Hedden, Harned, Proctor, Florman, Fox, Thompson, Palazzi, Bruce, Ward, Tupman



  1. Minutes from 2/20/06 meeting approved unanimously


  1. Curriculum Projections review
    1. Art Education – further info in spring
    2. Dance PhD at Board of Regents and at OAA
    3. Design 673 & 674 stalled pending further work and talks with ACCAD; Industrial Design elective list coming spring (will also be template for changes in Interior Design and Visual Communications)
    4. History of Art – 200 level course changes coming soon: agreed to submit this as course CHANGE, with cover explanation of change to 2 quarter survey sequence; 700s should be ready spring
    5. School of Music – Summers only Master’s will have 4 courses offered this summer, on-line components being developed
    6. Theatre – Video Production and Analysis minor at OAA; Video Arts minor coming spring
    7. Housecleaning – there should only suffixes used by registrar for universal coding of special sections such as “M”, “D”, “N”.


  1. Assessment – committee would like to schedule a discussion of the process; be sure to go to departments to ask for help with assessment funding if needed.


  1. Discussion of McHale Report Response draft 3/6/06
    1. Greg and Susan will send final version via email for committee approval

Present: Petry, Mockabee, Mercerhill, Hedden, Gill, Harned, Proctor, Florman, Wyszomirksi, Fox, Thompson, Palazzi, Bruce, Ward, Carlson


  1. Music 101.37 Functional Guitar
    1. Final and check-up percentage breakdown (currently in rubric) should be under grading criteria.
    2. Committee noted that the spiritual songs used are all of Christian background; consider using music from other backgrounds as well.
    3. Include information on the content of the final exam. Is this just one last check-up?
    4. Add expectations regarding practice time to the syllabus.
    5. Passed unanimously contingent upon addressing the above recommendations and Susan & Greg provide final approval.


  1. Change in B.A. Art Education math requirement
    1. All B.A. and B.A.E students would take Math 116 in order to allow for movement between majors.
    2. Approved unanimously – recommended that a committee cover letter be added for rationale.


  1. Response to McHale Report discussed.
    1. Suggested that response include that the committee reviewed the report within the lens of how it affects undergraduate curriculum.