Present: Petry, Mockabee, Mercerhill, Hedden, Harned, Proctor, Florman, Fox, Thompson, Palazzi, Bruce, Ward, Tupman
- Minutes from 2/20/06 meeting approved unanimously
- Curriculum Projections review
- Art Education – further info in spring
- Dance PhD at Board of Regents and at OAA
- Design 673 & 674 stalled pending further work and talks with ACCAD; Industrial Design elective list coming spring (will also be template for changes in Interior Design and Visual Communications)
- History of Art – 200 level course changes coming soon: agreed to submit this as course CHANGE, with cover explanation of change to 2 quarter survey sequence; 700s should be ready spring
- School of Music – Summers only Master’s will have 4 courses offered this summer, on-line components being developed
- Theatre – Video Production and Analysis minor at OAA; Video Arts minor coming spring
- Housecleaning – there should only suffixes used by registrar for universal coding of special sections such as “M”, “D”, “N”.
- Assessment – committee would like to schedule a discussion of the process; be sure to go to departments to ask for help with assessment funding if needed.
- Discussion of McHale Report Response draft 3/6/06
- Greg and Susan will send final version via email for committee approval
Present: Petry, Mockabee, Mercerhill, Hedden, Gill, Harned, Proctor, Florman, Wyszomirksi, Fox, Thompson, Palazzi, Bruce, Ward, Carlson
- Music 101.37 Functional Guitar
- Final and check-up percentage breakdown (currently in rubric) should be under grading criteria.
- Committee noted that the spiritual songs used are all of Christian background; consider using music from other backgrounds as well.
- Include information on the content of the final exam. Is this just one last check-up?
- Add expectations regarding practice time to the syllabus.
- Passed unanimously contingent upon addressing the above recommendations and Susan & Greg provide final approval.
- Change in B.A. Art Education math requirement
- All B.A. and B.A.E students would take Math 116 in order to allow for movement between majors.
- Approved unanimously – recommended that a committee cover letter be added for rationale.
- Response to McHale Report discussed.
- Suggested that response include that the committee reviewed the report within the lens of how it affects undergraduate curriculum.