Present: Childs, Bitters, Jacobs, Lowry, Kehres, Long-Van Brocklyn, Renker, Tebben,
Department | Course | Title | Type | Latest Committee | Latest Status | |
East Asian Languages and Literatures | 515 | Japanese Language: Structure, Culture, and Communication I | New | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
East Asian Languages and Literatures | 516 | Japanese Language: Structure, Culture, and Communication II | New | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
Latin | 170 | Intensive Latin Workshop | New | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
Latin | 270 | Intensive Latin Workshop | New | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
Latin | 670 | Intensive Latin Workshop | New | Registrar's Office | N/A | |
Latin | 671 | Intensive Latin Workshop | New | Registrar's Office | N/A |