Notes |
Administrative |
Approved by CAA 10-10-08, see 10-8-08 CAA minutes. kmh |
March 20, 2009 |
Administrative |
CS 520 approved by OAA 10-24-08 (see courseforms email notification) kmh |
October 30, 2008 |
Administrative |
CS 520 Course tracking site conflated with this one. All CS 520 documents transferred. CS 520 site comments pasted below. kmh 7-28-08
July 28, 2008 |
Administrative |
Sent to OAA 6-12-08 kmh |
July 09, 2008 |
Administrative |
Marge Lynd.1 contacted 4-11-08 After review, the HUM CCC had the following suggestions: 1.One member suggested they consider including at least 10 credits at upper level 2. Committee recommended the guide sheet should change dept name from “Classics” to “Greek and Latin” |
April 11, 2008 |
Administrative |
lynd.1 contacted w/ Ed's feedback on 12-3-07; elaborate on change of focus to social comparisons, paragraph benchmarking rel. stds. minors foci from several other institutions (i.e. how would this relig. stds. minor be different from others?); how many minors do they hope to have and how would it interface with other majors? kmh |
December 03, 2007 |