GE Category |
Social Science - Individuals and Groups |
Diversity Experiences - International Issues - Non-Western or Global |
Status | ||
Registrar's Office | N/A | 11/03/2008 |
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Pending | 10/31/2008 |
Graduate School (GS) | Pending | 10/22/2008 |
Arts and Sciences Office of the Executive Dean | Approved | 10/21/2008 |
College Committee - SBS | Approved with Contingency | 02/01/2008 |
Request Initiated | 01/04/2008 |
Notes | ||
Contingency | Cross listing forms rec'd from IS and AEDE. Both courses approved (see CRMT sites) kmh | October 17, 2008 |
Administrative | Econ requested to change course number from 557 to 437 to cross-list the course with AEDE and IS. | August 12, 2008 |
Administrative | Econ and AEDE to meet week of 5/12 to work out concurrence issues. Bruce Weinberg to contact Curriculum & Asmt office with results. Course in "SBS Waiting" folder. kmh | May 06, 2008 |
Concurrence | Non-concurrence from AEDE 3-10-08 (see attached doc below for more details) res |
March 10, 2008 |
Concurrence | Concurrence assumed from NELC 02-29-08 | February 29, 2008 |
Concurrence | Concurrence request sent to AEDE 02-26-08 | February 26, 2008 |
Administrative | From: Mughan, Tony (.1) [] |
February 26, 2008 |
Concurrence | Concurrence reminder sent to Int'l Studies & NELC 2-25-08 | February 25, 2008 |
Administrative | Concurrence request sent to Int'l Studies and NELC 02-07-08. | February 07, 2008 |
Contingency | Bruce Weinberg and Anna Shadley contacted 2-6-08 kmh Load for class in terms of readings - please elaborate briefly on length and type of readings, i.e.coursepak, book, pdf, on-line) Please incorporate a statement as to how students will be able to access readings (buy books, on web)
February 06, 2008 |
Documents | |
Econ 557 New Course Request.pdf | 01/04/2008 02:58:41 PM |
Econ 557 GEC Rationale.pdf | 01/04/2008 03:07:51 PM |
Econ 557 Syllabus.pdf | 01/04/2008 03:09:29 PM |
Econ 557 Assessment.pdf | 01/04/2008 03:11:16 PM |
Econ557syllRev.doc | 02/28/2008 11:08:53 AM |
Econ557-NonconcurAEDE.doc | 03/12/2008 01:55:02 PM |
Econ 437 syllabus.doc | 08/12/2008 10:46:50 AM |
Econ 437 GEC Goals.pdf | 09/30/2008 09:54:47 AM |
Econ 437 Assessment.pdf | 09/30/2008 09:55:00 AM |
Econ 537 proposal change.doc | 10/07/2008 10:17:38 AM |