Status | ||
Registrar's Office | Pending | 04/03/2008 |
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Approved | 04/03/2008 |
Arts and Sciences Office of the Executive Dean | Approved | 04/01/2008 |
College Committee - HUM | Approved with Contingency | 02/15/2008 |
Request Initiated | 01/08/2008 |
Notes | ||
Administrative | Waiting for the revised syllabus and form. Requests sent on 3-10 and 3-27. stl |
March 27, 2008 |
Administrative | Concurrence received from Spanish/Portuguese | March 04, 2008 |
Concurrence | Concurrence request sent to Spanish/Portuguese 2-27-08 | February 27, 2008 |
Administrative | English concurred on 2-09-08. | February 27, 2008 |
Administrative | Revision request sent to Jim Bach on 2-27-08. | February 27, 2008 |
Concurrence | Sent e-mail to Frederick Aldama (English) and Summerhills (Sp/Portugese) for feedback 2-8-08 kmh | February 08, 2008 |
Documents | |
HIS 324 New Course Request.pdf | 01/08/2008 11:00:26 AM |
Hist 324 Syllabus.doc | 01/08/2008 11:00:39 AM |
Hist324Conc-English.doc | 02/27/2008 11:47:20 AM |
History 324 Concurr-Spanish -Portuguese.pdf | 03/04/2008 02:26:43 PM |
Hist324response03-06-08.doc | 03/10/2008 04:21:29 PM |
HIST324revisedform.doc | 03/27/2008 03:05:47 PM |
HIST324RevisedSyllabus.doc | 03/27/2008 03:06:03 PM |