
Course Number
Course Title
Spanish Major Revision
Effective Term
Effective Year
Contact Email
Request Completed 07/22/2009
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Approved 07/22/2009
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Pending 03/17/2009
Graduate School (GS) Pending 03/17/2009
Cmte on Curriculum and Instruction (CCI) Approved 03/06/2009
CCI Arts and Humanities Subcommittee Approved 03/02/2009
College Committee - HUM Approved with Contingency 02/20/2009
College Committee - HUM Sent Back 05/30/2008
Request Initiated 01/08/2008
Administrative sent to Grad School (Sp 650 & 660) and OAA 3-17-09 kmh. March 17, 2009
Contingency Via email J Siegel, J Watson & C Highley concur that contingencies have been met via revision 2/25/09 res February 25, 2009
Administrative Revised Spanish 660 syllabus rec'd 2/23/09-- Revision sent to J Siegel, C Highley & J Watson 2/24/09 for HUM CC approval res February 24, 2009

HUM CC 2/20/09--
Spanish major and Spanish 650 approved--
Spanish 660 APPROVED WITH CONTINGENCIES emailed to S Schwenter & S Summerhill 2/23/09 res:

  • syllabus could use boilerplate academic misconduct; Add Pomerene Hall to disability statement
  • Expected learning outcomes could be more specific
  • Pages on readings to know general length
  • Breakdown of percentages in the grade
  • With adjusted syllabus the package can be sent forth
February 23, 2009

HUM CC 5/30/08 sent back-

  1. Revisions to Spanish Major – send back – if received quickly, HUM CCC would like to electronically consider for approval before summer break
    Are there provisions in place if students wish to switch tracks?  How would this be facilitated? Please clarify.
    Immersion requirement includes 689 “Spanish in Ohio ” : Committee wondered if the rigor or 698 was comparable to other immersion courses –is 100 field contact hours enough?  Committee recognized that it does provide an important opportunity for students who choose not to leave the state for whatever reason. Please expand on rigor/content of 689 vis a vis other immersion options.
    All were impressed with 80% study abroad statistic (15-25 credit hours)
     Committee discussed at length whether the proposed addition of 5 credit hours had a strong enough justification. They provided several questions and suggestions that may help strengthen justification:
    In comparison to semester-based university requirements as listed in proposal addendum, most do not reach 50. (Response Document, section A.e.)  Do the benchmark programs include intro language course credits? This might put OSU program more in line with upper credit limit of benchmarks since OSU Spanish major does not include 20 hours of intro language and could make being on the high end of benchmark credit hour requirements more justifiable.
    Does a higher number of credit hours necessarily mean a better quality program?  Are other language programs at OSU at 50?  Is this an upward trend among OSU language major requirements?
    Does addition of 5 credit hours have to do with an increase in incoming student AP credit beyond the 100-level?
    Does department see the need to further increase level of student language proficiency and if so, why?
    Due to AP and study abroad credit totals, is department trying to ensure a certain base-line amount of time in OSU for purposes of quality?
    Are there additional reasons in recent self study that could be used toward the rationale?
    Can GEC and major credits overlap? Proposal wishes for SP603 (third writing course) to count toward major. Third writing course overlap is allowed. [FYI: There cannot be overlap between the major and the GEC, except for Data Analysis at the 200-level or above.  The major and the GEC must otherwise be unique. (There are a few exceptions: If a student is a double (or triple) major, ASC advising typically allows her/him to count an Issues of the Contemporary World course on the major and the GEC.  There is an issue of overlap with dual degrees, e.g. BA/BS. Both majors on the two degrees need to have completely unique hours.]
    e. Clarification on sample student 4-year plan: 103.66 is listed– can students still enter with 103? Was this just one example? (see Response Document A.d.)   If this is just an example, please make sure this is not compulsory or ambiguous on advising sheets. Consider stating something like, “103.66 (or equivalent)”
    Course Change Spanish 650 – looked good
    Course Change Spanish 660
    Syllabus: please fix typos; it looks like a formatting error may have occurred.
    Weekly outline – Please elaborate on assignment length and when student presentations will take place.
February 13, 2009
Administrative Original feedback from HUM CCC sent to Steve Summerhill 6-3-08 (kmh). Reminder sent 9-13-08 (kmh). September 15, 2008