
Course Number
Course Title
Global Climate Change: Causes and Consequences
Effective Term
Effective Year
Contact Email
GE Category
Natural Science - Physical Science course
Arts and Sciences Office of the Executive Dean Pending 04/22/2009
CCI Social, Behavioral, Biological, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Subcommittee Approved 04/21/2009
CCI Social, Behavioral, Biological, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Subcommittee Approved with Contingency 01/12/2009
College Committee - SBS Approved with Contingency 02/14/2008
Request Initiated 01/23/2008
Administrative Assessment response/revision rec'd 4/10/09 res April 14, 2009

At 3/2/09 mtng, Sciences Subcom clarified 1/12/09 contingencies, removing items 1 & 3 and expanding on item 2 below- emailed to R Mcclish 3/3/09 res:

2. Assessment plan is written as a grading plan (aside from a qualitative survey); they say embedded questions will be used but don’t explain how they will be analyzed; request more detail regarding the last paragraph below the expected learning outcomes; how does it meet GEC learning outcomes (it is on the syllabus; could the proposers cut and paste these into the assessment plan?)

  • No mention of how the embedded questions address learning outcomes and no examples; send some sample questions that map to the learning outcomes- what are the expectations/performance levels that would be acceptable? I.e., their debate is a great measure of this: include a brief grading rubric. How will the results be analyzed to improve the course and student learning?
  • What are the expectations for learning?- How are the pts given for the debate assignment? Link to learning outcomes.
March 03, 2009

Contingencies sent to R McClish 1/14/09 res

1. Is this adequately a GEC physical & natural science course? What is the rationale for this?

2. Assessment plan is written as a grading plan (aside from a qualitative survey); they say embedded questions will be used but don’t explain how they will be analyzed; request more detail regarding the last paragraph below the expected learning outcomes; how does it meet GEC learning outcomes (it is on the syllabus; could the proposers cut and paste these into the assessment plan?) 
3.Why is it a 400 level course vs. any other level?  Lack of prerequisites not a concern if the rigor of the course is worthy of this level (especially in physical sciences).  If it was a lower, say 200-level course, it would seem adequate. 


January 14, 2009
Concurrence Concurrence rec'd from Nat Resources 4-2-08 res April 03, 2008
Concurrence Concurrence reminder sent to Nat Resources 3-20-08 res March 20, 2008
Administrative Contingency: (1) concurrence (rec'd) (2) assessment plan (waiting) March 06, 2008
Concurrence Concurrence rec'd 3-4-08 from Earth Science res March 05, 2008
Concurrence Concurrence assumed from Physics 02-29-08 February 29, 2008
Concurrence Concurrence rec'd from Econ 2-27-08 February 28, 2008
Administrative Requested assessment plan on 2-27-08. February 27, 2008
Concurrence Concurrence reminder sent to Econ, Physics, Nat Resources & Earth Sci 2-25-08 February 25, 2008
Concurrence Concurrence reqeust sent to Earth Sci on 2-20-08. February 20, 2008
Contingency Needs a course assessment plan before this can go to Sub C
  1. Geog 420 Approved with Contingency
    1. Waiting on concurrences from Earth Sci, Econ, Nat Resources, Physics, and Int’l Studies.  Reminders to be sent week of 2/18.
    2. Needs an assessment plan for course before going to Sub-C
February 20, 2008
Concurrence Concurrence request sent to Econ, Physics, Natural Resources and International Studies 02-07-08. February 07, 2008
Administrative Sent e-mail to Rich Mcclish, asking that signed form be sent January 23, 2008
Geog 420 New Course Request.doc 01/23/2008 09:30:34 AM
Geog 420 GEC Summary Sheet.doc 01/23/2008 09:31:01 AM
Geog 420 GEC Rationale.doc 01/23/2008 09:31:28 AM
Geog 420 Syllabus.doc 01/23/2008 09:31:45 AM
Geo420Concur-EarthSci.doc 03/06/2008 03:34:07 PM
Geog420Concur-SENR.doc 04/03/2008 09:58:14 AM
CONCURRENCE SUMMARY GEOG 420.doc 07/22/2008 10:27:34 AM
GEOG 420 follow up history.doc 07/22/2008 10:30:28 AM
Geo 420 Assessment.doc 12/12/2008 02:05:15 PM
Geog 420 assmnt response.doc 04/13/2009 11:19:38 AM
Econ_Geog420CONCUR.doc 04/22/2009 09:10:06 AM
EarthSci_Concur2.pdf 04/22/2009 09:13:58 AM