
Course Number
Course Title
The Evolution of Economic Thought
Effective Term
Effective Year
Contact Email
GE Category
Arts and Humanities - Analysis of Texts and Works of Art - Cultures and Ideas
Historical Study
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Approved 11/25/2009
Arts and Sciences Office of the Executive Dean Approved 10/29/2009
CCI Arts and Humanities Subcommittee Approved 10/06/2009
CCI Arts and Humanities Subcommittee Approved with Contingency 12/09/2008
CCI Arts and Humanities Subcommittee Sent Back 04/04/2008
CCI Arts and Humanities Subcommittee Sent Back 02/15/2008
Request Initiated 01/23/2008
Administrative History concurrence rec'd 10-25-09; B Weinberg notified 10-26-09 bv October 26, 2009
Concurrence Sent concurrence request to History 10-16-09 bv October 16, 2009
Administrative V. Williams notifies department and sends new syllabus 10-14-09  bv (10-15-09) October 15, 2009

A&H Subcom 10-6-09 approved unanimously;

  • V Williams contacts Bruce Weinberg to ask him to remove all caps in syllabus. 
  • Still need to ask History for concurrence

10-9-09  bv

October 09, 2009
Contingency Revised syllabus; A&H Subcom Chair (V. Williams) approves contingencies 09/30/09 bv September 30, 2009
Administrative Val Williams contacted shadley.5 via email re: follow-up on 1/7/09 res January 20, 2009

course resubmitted for consideration for Cultures and Ideas and Historical Study (withdrew request for GEC status in 3rd writing and Literature). kmh

A&H Subcom 12/9/08 approved with contingencies:

  •  Syllabus p.2 – does making an “effort to provide the appropriate background” qualify for HS? “Students will be able to…”
  • Include boiler plate statements for GEC Expected Learning Outcomes and a statement to explain how they will be satisfied, then send to History for concurrence.
  • Suggestion to expand assessment in student survey beyond y/n (perhaps a 3 to 5 point scale for richer feedback)
  • Include due dates for papers on syllabus

Motion to send to History for concurrence after changes in bold are made, then committee will consider in light of their response.  Motion to approve as Cultures and Ideas

November 18, 2008

Bruce Weinberg contacted 4/17 and advised about various ways the GEC application can be revised.  Bruce confirmed on 5-6-08 that he has discussed possibilities with faculty member, passed on supplied sample materials, and will contact us when there is an update. kmh

A&H Subcom sent back 4/4/08:

  • Needs course assessment (not student assessment)
  • Recommendation to focus on one GEC category, such as 3rd level writing course
May 06, 2008

Requesting to add GEC status to existing course

A&H Subcom sent back 2/15/08:

  • A. the assessment plan (in all three categories) should be assessing the course not the students
  • B. Proposal section I (for Writing)- should answer the GEC questions for the writing category on the Operations Manual (OM)
  • C. Proposal section II B Rationale needs to be changed according to the OM
  • D. Proposal section III should answer the OM questions for Historical Study
  • E. should include “writing manual” (????)
  • F. Model syllabus says that any writing course should have “substantial writing”— the proposal does not provide evidence for this element. If it is a writing course, there should be more than just one paper assignment.
  • G. on syllabus p.1: The course objectives should be more clearly focused for the students, and be measurable. [send them model syllabi, Art Ed 255 for Culture and Ideas, History
    of Art 201 for Historical Study, OM p. 17-20 for the 3rd level writing. Econ 515, 516 for examples.]
January 23, 2008
Econ 500 GEC Summary Sheet.pdf 01/23/2008 09:58:07 AM
Econ 500 GEC Rationale.pdf 01/23/2008 09:59:38 AM
Econ 500 Syllabus.pdf 01/23/2008 09:59:52 AM
500revisedGEC.pdf 03/14/2008 01:56:27 PM
500revisedsyllabus.pdf 03/14/2008 01:57:09 PM
Econ 500 GEC Summary Sheet Revised.pdf 11/06/2008 11:18:59 AM
Econ500 GEC Rationale Revised.pdf 11/06/2008 11:19:20 AM
Econ 500 revised syllabus 11 08.pdf 11/14/2008 11:33:54 AM
9-30-09 Economics 500 rev syll.doc 09/30/2009 04:15:56 PM
Econ 500 Course Change Request.pdf 10/07/2009 09:54:56 AM
10-14-09Econ500syllabus.doc 10/15/2009 02:41:38 PM
Notification V Williams Econ 500.doc 10/16/2009 03:19:56 PM
Concurrence_Econ500___History1 (3).doc 10/26/2009 10:20:40 AM