Notes |
Administrative |
The revision satisfied the request from SBS CC . The request was reevaluated and considered mechanical and thus approved by SBS Chair Prabu David on 8-12. Kate signed on behalf of Prabu and the Executive Dean and sent it on to OAA. |
August 12, 2008 |
Concurrence |
Concurrence rec'd from Econ 2-27-08 |
February 28, 2008 |
Administrative |
Contacted DeYoung.1 for revision request on 2-27:
- On the course request form:
- Reward course description to “Contemporary approaches to public policy evaluation and their ethical foundations, including efficiency, security, rights, welfare, and equity.”
- Delete “Quarter Offered” info to allow offering schedule more flexible for faculty
- Listed as UG course. As a 300-level course, should it be just U?
- On the syllabus:
- Change course number on p.1 (294) to reflect new number (304)
- Delete footnoted policy statement on p.1 as they’re listed on p.2 as well
- Revise the dates Feb 29 and Feb 31 on p.3 should be Jan 29 and Jan 31.
February 27, 2008 |
Concurrence |
Concurrence rec'd from PPM 2-26-08 |
February 26, 2008 |
Concurrence |
Concurrence reminder sent to PPM & Econ 2-25-08 |
February 25, 2008 |
Concurrence |
Concurrence rec'd from Philosophy 2-18-08 |
February 18, 2008 |
Concurrence |
Concurrence request sent to PPM, Philosophy and Econ on 02-07-08. |
February 07, 2008 |
Administrative |
Title and/or nature of course as a 'Topics' course needs clarification. Sonja Amadae.1 contacted 2-6-08. kmh |
February 05, 2008 |