Status | ||
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Approved | 04/29/2008 |
Graduate School (GS) | Pending | 04/25/2008 |
Arts and Sciences Office of the Executive Dean | Approved | 04/23/2008 |
College Committee - ARTS | Approved with Contingency | 04/03/2008 |
Request Initiated | 03/06/2008 |
Notes | ||
Contingency | Contingencies satisfied ("S" request withdrawn). kmh | April 16, 2008 |
Administrative | Instructor had decided to remove request for "S" designation. 4-8-08 kmh | April 08, 2008 |
Contingency | Contingencies: Stuhr.1 & Wyszomirski.1 contacted 4-7-08 (kmh)
1. P.3 “Attendance 1”: Suggestion to be more specific. Suggested language: “student’s overall grade will drop by one third…” 2. It is suggested (but not required) to use 16-pt font for disability statement 3. P 4: Recommendation to remove bolded sentence under Attendance paragraph 4. P 4 – end Please align all titles and labels throughout document, including names of assignments in “topical outline” with their titles in the “Assignments and Grade Distribution” section 5. Please clarify/differentiate descriptions for audience research plan and group project plan/presentation 6. Duplicate line p 4, paragraph 4 – please remove 7. P.3 “Assignments and Grading” Please either provide a grading scale in syllabus or refer to it explicitly as the one used in Carmen. 8. G. Proctor to e-mail statement to V. Mockabee for distribution and possible inclusion on this syllabus 9. Please change “Course Syllabus” on page 6 to “Topical Outline” B. Pre-req of grad standing. Most take 671 beforehand. Add “permission of instructor” (done kmh 4-7-08) C. Please provide a Service Learning statement based on SLSR questions found at: |
April 07, 2008 |
Documents | |
Syllabus and additional documents.doc | 03/06/2008 11:25:30 AM |
Art Edu 781 New Course Request.pdf | 03/19/2008 02:32:29 PM |
AE781revised04-08.doc | 04/15/2008 08:52:55 AM |