Notes |
Administrative |
Theatre requested to hold proposal (see attached doc) kmh 7-25-08 |
July 25, 2008 |
Concurrence |
Concurrence rec'd (with comments) from Film Stds 6-10-08 res |
June 10, 2008 |
Concurrence |
Concurrence assumed from Film Stds 5-22-08 res |
May 22, 2008 |
Concurrence |
Concurrence reminder sent to Film Stds 5-15-08 res |
May 15, 2008 |
Contingency |
Anthony Hill to do follow up. E-mailed him draft notes 5-8-08 kmh
- Please add number of credits on syllabus
- Please further clarify final exam/project description – make consistent nomenclature and/or elaborate on final project
- Please add explanation and due dates for assignments, expand weekly outline, specify reading assignments, when they are due, and what they are
- Please add statement describing and clarifying what constitutes “participation” as it is 35% of grade – is it under “classroom decorum” is that part of it? Please delete the “etc.” as it could be unclear to students. Suggestion to use Kevin Tavin’s participation statement, Val to send to Anthony if need be.
- What is expected section size? (get info from instructor and Kate add to electronic form)
- Committee suggests a brief cover paragraph summarizing the specific changes
May 08, 2008 |
Concurrence |
Concurrence request sent to Film Stds 4-30-08 res |
April 30, 2008 |