Notes |
Administrative |
ECA form completed and uploaded on CRMT 10-15-09 bv |
October 15, 2009 |
Administrative |
Rec'd updated syllabus 10-14-09 (contingency approved); waiting for completion of ECA package. bv (10-15-09) |
October 15, 2009 |
Administrative |
A&H Subcom 10-6-09 approved with contingency: V. Williams will add VPA learning outcomes into syllabus and notify department (done 10-14-09) 10-9-09 bv |
October 09, 2009 |
Administrative |
Rec'd revised syllabus, VPA rationale, and the response to the requested changes. See attached below. bv |
August 05, 2009 |
Administrative |
A&H Subcom reconsidered GEC category switch 4/21/09; A&H Subcom Chair B Miller followed-up 4/29/09 with dept to address recommendations made by Subcom on 1/5/09 (attached) res |
April 27, 2009 |
Administrative |
A&H Subcom sent back 1/5/09:
Requested changes in items D-G of Valarie Williams’ follow up letter not addressed; please submit revised syllabus with these points
What constitutes 25% class participation? Does this include brief written summaries, discussions, presentations, etc.
What constitutes A,B,C, etc. within a grading rubric for the course?
Where do students become active and critical listeners and learn to analyze popular music (addressed in the rationale's third bullet)? Where is this present in coursework?
Please provide a short statement to help explain how much contact students have with art. Pleae make this more explicit in the weekly topical outline (i.e. 1/24 viewing)? Syllabus states that a CD is made available - are there also listening assignments? When are those required?
- Suggestion that proposers wait for broader guidance from CCI on the categorical issue
February 26, 2009 |
Administrative |
Concurrence request sent to Art Ed (funk.86 & stuhr.1) on 12-03. |
December 03, 2008 |
Administrative |
A&H Subcom sent back 11/18/08- Follow up letter from V. Williams sent 11-26-08. See attached below. kmh |
December 02, 2008 |
Administrative |
Concurrence rec'd from Music. |
October 14, 2008 |
Administrative |
Music requested an extension of several weeks. |
October 01, 2008 |
Administrative |
Concurrence reminder sent to Music on 9-29. |
September 29, 2008 |
Concurrence |
Concurrence request sent to Music 09-08-08. stl |
September 08, 2008 |