Notes |
Contingency |
A&H Subcom Chair approves contingencies 4/27/09 res |
April 27, 2009 |
Administrative |
Revisions rec'd 3/10/09 res |
March 11, 2009 |
Contingency |
Approved with contingencies for Diversity GEC by A&H subcommittee on 1/5/09. Bebe Miller to follow up with Julie McGory. kmh
- Suggestion to incorporate any relevant aspects based on newly accepted guidelines for Diversity categories from 12/5/08 CCI meeting.
- Include GEC student learning outcomes boiler-plate language for both categories (see Curricular and Assessment Ops Manual p 34, 39) and state how course will address these goals (suggestion to place underneath listing of GEC categories)
- Include credit hours on syllabus
- Assessment Plan: tie course outcomes to GEC learning outcomes either through listing these specifically or tying them to specific goals of the GEC through reference (i.e. see GEC ELO 2.b.)
- How will you use data to improve course? 2 sentence answer under #2 of Assessment plan
Still needs to go to Sciences subcommittee for Social Science GEC status. |
January 05, 2009 |
Administrative |
Concurrence rec'd from HDFS, Psych and Ed T&L. Concurrence complete. |
November 13, 2008 |
Administrative |
re: GEC course assessment plan - Kate Hallihan and Judith Tonhauser (faculty proposer) met on 10/27 to discuss revisions to course assessment plan prior to its appearance at subcommittee. Judith Tonhauser to submit revised assessment plan. |
November 07, 2008 |
Administrative |
Concurrence rec'd from Spanish and Portuguese, Socio, Poli Sci, Hist, Comp Std, and Econ. |
October 22, 2008 |
Administrative |
Concurrence reqeusts sent to Psych, Socio, Econ, Comp Std, Poli Sci, Hist., Sp & Port., HDSF, Ed T&L. |
October 16, 2008 |