Administrative |
Course sent back with this note: 12/28/2011 05:24 PM [Vankeerbergen,Bernadette Chantal] Feedback for wrong course was sent by C Meyers on 6-2-11 (feedback for CRP 2453). The correct feedback (appearing in the Assessment Minutes of 5-31-11) should have been: a.Proposal should be marked as a new course b.Assessment plan does not address GE, proposal does not follow the correct format c.Course topics do not display the social science aspects of this course. Appears to be very technical. d.Readings are not social science texts e.Course does not align with the GE goals, a very clear case would have to be made in the proposal’s rationale f.Return to the department
[See also my e-mail of 12-28 to J Cowley and H Griffin.]
December 29, 2011 |