Administrative |
1-10-11: Feedback sent to P. Pfister and H. Zerby:
II. Assessment plan, student assessment: Box refers to H2200.01. Why refer to Honors version? Also, we do not see an Honors version in
This paragraph (in the box) also refers to the lab. However, the lab will not be part of the GE (since 2200.02 was not presented for GE) and thus the lab should not be discussed in the Assessment plan section--since the plan should focus on discussing how the faculty/unit will assess the effectiveness of the course in achieving the GE expected learning outcomes.
This is a course that will be offered in 14 weeks (according to the PACER form) but 17 weeks appear in the schedule.
Assessment plan after the long reading list: (1) Indirect method used: “graduating senior evaluation”? This will not apply to students who are not in the degree program but took the course for GE credit. (2)“All assessment data will be reviewed by the instructors and internal and external advisory personnel”: please specify who internal and external advisory personnel are.
January 10, 2012 |