Administrative |
2-20-12: No vote taken. Revision/additional information requested:
Since committee is charged with BA/BS-BA differentiation, the Panel needs additional information about the labs. Without knowing details about the labs, it is difficult to gauge if the course is should count for BA students only or both BA and BS students.
Clarify number of lab assignments: (1) the Evaluations section of the syllabus: mentions 10 lab assignments at 4% each; (2) the Schedule section of the syllabus: lists 11 labs (plus 2 field trips and 1 review for final exam); (3) the GE rationale, under point 4: mentions 10 labs but 9 assignments.
Schedule: Class meets twice a week. Are these 1hr 20 min meetings? NMS Panel would also need to know the duration of the labs.
Attendance policy: How does a student make up a lab/field trip?
Extra credit policy should only be available to all students. The current phrasing leads one to believe that might not be the case: “Under exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the instructor, extra credit opportunities are available.”
In proposal, replace references to “GEC” with “GE.”
GE rationale, 2nd page, under point 3, replace “Geography 220” with semester course number.
February 22, 2012 |