Notes |
Administrative |
4-20-12: Course advanced to ASC |
April 20, 2012 |
Administrative |
4-13-12: Rec'd EHE |
April 13, 2012 |
Administrative |
4-10-12: Contingency |
April 13, 2012 |
Administrative |
4-2-12: Rec'd revision; submitted to B. Weinberg for contingency |
April 03, 2012 |
Administrative |
3-30-12 meeting: approved with contingency:
Schedule does not include any topics. There should be more specificity (at least sample topics).
D. Haddad will try to obtain concurrence from EHE. She will also run this proposal by Speech and Hearing.
Replace F grade with E in grading scale.
April 02, 2012 |