Panel will express its concern about potential issues with resources.
P. 6: Concern: Way paragraph is written makes it appear that courses in core fundamentals will focus on two learning objectives instead of all five. Request to adjust paragraph on core fundamentals on page 6.
Request to include assessment information (provide as much information as is possible at this point and specify that full assessment plan will be ready at a specific date).
The GE Natural Science--Physical Science requirement is very focused on Physics 1250. There are other courses that would be good as well. Adjust proposal so that this GE slot not be limited to a physics course. (Also see point below)
P. 28: Biology 1113 and 1114 require prereq or concur of Chemistry 1110, 1210, 1610 or 1910H, or permission of course coordinator. This requirement is not accounted for in the 4-year plan for Biomedical Informatics. (All four Chemistry courses have GE Natural Science—Physical Science status.)
Still waiting from concurrence from College of Medicine. Approval of Biomedical Informatics track will be contingent on the concurrence from the Dean of the College of Medicine
P. 4, last line: 22% with small number 4. One would expect a footnote. There is none.
Provide all tables (Credit Hours Explanations) for different specialties.