GE Category |
Social Science - Human, Natural, and Economic Resources |
Status | ||
Request Completed | 03/02/2018 | |
Registrar's Office | Approved | 03/02/2018 |
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Approved | 02/27/2018 |
Arts and Sciences Office of the Executive Dean | Approved | 02/26/2018 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee | Approved | 02/20/2018 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee | N/A | 10/17/2017 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee | N/A | 01/23/2017 |
Request Initiated | 01/18/2017 |
Notes | ||
Administrative | 2-26-18: Course advanced to ASC |
February 26, 2018 |
Administrative | 2-20-18: Uploaded Word version of GE assessment |
February 20, 2018 |
Documents | |
AEDEcon 2001 Course Change.pdf | 01/18/2017 04:38:16 PM |
AEDE 2001--feedback to Dept.pdf | 01/26/2017 01:47:22 PM |
AED Econ 2001 Revised 10-9-17.pdf | 10/11/2017 03:40:31 PM |
AEDE 2001 - feedback to dept..pdf | 10/25/2017 12:14:16 PM |
AEDEcon 2001 Revised 2-2-18.pdf | 02/16/2018 12:53:03 PM |
AEDEcon 2001 GE Assessment plan.docx | 02/20/2018 11:19:18 AM |
RE_ AEDE 2001--feedback to dept.pdf | 02/26/2018 12:47:01 PM |