Status | ||
Request Completed | 01/21/2009 | |
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) | Pending | 01/31/2008 |
Cmte on Curriculum and Instruction (CCI) | Approved | 01/11/2008 |
CCI Interdisciplinary Initiatives Subcommittee | Approved with Contingency | 04/09/2007 |
Request Initiated | 03/12/2007 |
Notes | ||
Administrative | Sent to OAA 1/31/08 | July 21, 2008 |
Administrative | Originally the course was submitted as Comp Studies 356, same title as Internat'l Studies 356, which seemed a little confusing, particularly to students doing the globalization major. The title of the Comparative STudies class was changed to Intro to Globalization and Culture and the number was changed from 356 to 357. I can't find any reference to changing the number to 356.02, which would have made absolutely no sense, since there is no 356.01 and, as far as I know, the change to 357 was simply to avoid any confusion. Could there have been an error somewhere along the way? Anyway, I think it's safe to go ahead with the course as Comp Studies 357. Are there any other problems remaining that need to be cleared up? Thanks, Marge Contacted Marge Lynd.1 re Comp Stds 357/356.02 question 11-20-07 kmh Jess working on capstone form |
November 20, 2007 |
Documents | |
A-globalization.major proposal.doc | 03/12/2007 03:00:30 PM |
B-Appendix C- Concurrence.pdf | 03/12/2007 03:26:39 PM |
E-IS 356 Introduction to Globalization.pdf | 03/12/2007 03:48:59 PM |
F-IS 557 GlobStdCapstoneSyll.doc | 03/12/2007 03:51:24 PM |
I-AGR COMM 650 Syllabus.doc | 03/13/2007 10:45:38 AM |
J-AED Econ 280 syllabus.doc | 03/13/2007 10:47:25 AM |
K-AED Econ-IS 434.doc | 03/13/2007 12:08:10 PM |
AED Econ 597.01 Syll.doc | 03/13/2007 12:57:35 PM |
AED Econ-IS 439.doc | 03/13/2007 01:09:56 PM |
AAAS 310 Syllabus.pdf | 03/13/2007 01:14:24 PM |
Anth 597.01Syllabus.pdf | 03/13/2007 01:17:59 PM |
ANTH597.02 Syllabus.doc | 03/13/2007 01:37:32 PM |
ANTH 601.04 Syll.doc | 03/13/2007 01:49:06 PM |
Classics 597 Syll.doc | 03/13/2007 01:54:41 PM |
Comp St 525A.pdf | 03/13/2007 01:56:04 PM |
Comp St- IS 531.pdf | 03/13/2007 01:58:36 PM |
Comp Stds 597.01.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:23:24 PM |
CS 597.02 GlobalCulture.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:24:49 PM |
Comp Stds 651.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:25:49 PM |
Comp Stds 651X.doc | 03/13/2007 02:27:42 PM |
ECON 556 Syllabus.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:28:53 PM |
ECON 560 Syllabus.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:30:02 PM |
EEOB 370 syllabus2004.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:30:52 PM |
EEOB 413.01WI05syllabus.doc | 03/13/2007 02:32:54 PM |
EEOB Syllabus 502 2006.doc | 03/13/2007 02:34:31 PM |
EEOB 700.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:35:13 PM |
English 597 Syll.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:41:48 PM |
Geog 450.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:43:25 PM |
Geog 490 Syll.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:44:24 PM |
Geog 597.02.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:45:33 PM |
Geog 635.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:46:31 PM |
Geog 642.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:47:22 PM |
Geog 643 Syll.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:50:12 PM |
Geol Sci 204.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:51:33 PM |
History 366 syl 9 21 03 .doc | 03/13/2007 02:55:07 PM |
Hist 381Syllabus.doc | 03/13/2007 02:56:16 PM |
Hist 581.02.doc | 03/13/2007 02:57:16 PM |
Hist 587.01.doc | 03/13/2007 02:58:03 PM |
Hist 597.pdf | 03/13/2007 02:59:40 PM |
HN 313 syllabus 2006.doc | 03/13/2007 03:01:16 PM |
Ling 375 SampleSyllabus.pdf | 03/13/2007 03:02:38 PM |
Ling 597.01SampleSyllabus.pdf | 03/13/2007 03:03:48 PM |
Ling 597.02 Syllabus.pdf | 03/13/2007 03:05:29 PM |
Mus 345.01ethreg.doc | 03/13/2007 03:56:29 PM |
Mus 345.01World Beat in Africa.doc | 03/13/2007 03:58:10 PM |
Music 348 Fosler-Lussier.pdf | 03/13/2007 04:00:22 PM |
Polit Sci 530.pdf | 03/13/2007 04:01:28 PM |
Polit Sci 541.pdf | 03/13/2007 04:02:21 PM |
Polit Sci 550.pdf | 03/13/2007 04:03:33 PM |
Polit Sci 556.doc | 03/13/2007 04:06:19 PM |
Polit Sci 580.pdf | 03/13/2007 04:07:12 PM |
Polit Sci 597.01.pdf | 03/13/2007 04:50:04 PM |
Polit Sci 597.02.pdf | 03/13/2007 04:54:55 PM |
Psych 525 Syll.doc | 03/14/2007 09:14:00 AM |
RS 378 Syll.DOC | 03/14/2007 09:46:27 AM |
RS 666 Syll.doc | 03/14/2007 09:52:29 AM |
RS 678 Syll.pdf | 03/14/2007 10:08:49 AM |
Soc 464 Syll.doc | 03/14/2007 10:26:04 AM |
Soc 597.01.doc | 03/14/2007 10:32:05 AM |
Soc 597.02 Syll.doc | 03/14/2007 10:40:15 AM |
IS-Spa 640 Final Syllabus 05.doc | 03/14/2007 10:42:20 AM |
WS305 Syll.pdf | 03/14/2007 10:46:32 AM |
WS505 Syll.pdf | 03/14/2007 10:54:10 AM |
WS 524 Syll.pdf | 03/14/2007 10:56:05 AM |
WS 620 Syll.pdf | 03/14/2007 10:59:21 AM |
International Stds 557 New Course.pdf | 12/20/2007 11:05:11 AM |
Geog 643 Syllabus.pdf | 12/20/2007 11:11:03 AM |
Assessment-Globalization Stds Maj.pdf | 12/28/2007 12:10:03 PM |
F-IS 557 GlobStdCapstoneSyll1.doc | 01/23/2008 02:15:16 PM |
A-globalizationmajor2008proposal.doc | 01/23/2008 02:16:22 PM |
CS357Introd to Globalizati rev.doc | 01/23/2008 02:18:02 PM |
Comp Stds 357 signed.pdf | 01/31/2008 11:34:29 AM |
Internatioanl Studies 557 signed.pdf | 01/31/2008 11:36:04 AM |
Globalization Studies Maj- CAA approval letter.doc | 02/05/2009 10:03:41 AM |