Time: 8:30-10:30am Location: 385 Bricker Hall
Course updates
ASC 2201 “Filmmaking Foundation I” (new MIP course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3438
ASC 2202 “Filmmaking Foundation II” (new MIP course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3439
ASC 4200 “Cinema Today” (new MIP course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3440
ASC 5001 “Senior Project I” (new MIP course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3441
ASC 5002 “Senior Project II” (new MIP course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3442
EEOB 5430 “Fish Ecology” (course change) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3445
Engineering 5797.18 “Engineering of Ancient Greece” (request for GE Cultures and Ideas) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3424
French 4401 “Topics in French and Francophone Studies” (new course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3449
International Studies 4534 “Comparative Challenges to Economic Development: Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and China” (new course) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3446
Linguistics 2367.02 “Language and Advertising” (course change; existing GE Writing and Communication Level 2; request for 100% Distance Learning) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3448
Music 3344 “Film Music” (new course; request for GE Visual and Performing Arts) https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3450
Psychology 3371 “Language and the Mind” https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3427 and Linguistics 3701 “Language and the Mind” https://ascnet.osu.edu/request/3426 (existing cross-listed courses with GE Social Science-Individuals and Groups; request for 100% Distance Learning)
Religious Studies/Hebrew/Jewish Studies 3210 “The Jewish Mystical Tradition” (number change from 2210; existing cross-listed courses with GE Cultures and Ideas and GE Diversity-Global Studies)
Religious Studies/Hebrew/Jewish Studies 3210H “The Jewish Mystical Tradition” (number change from 2210H; existing cross-listed courses with GE Cultures and Ideas and GE Diversity-Global Studies)
Documents | |
ASCC Approved Minutes 2-26-16.docx | 04/11/2016 11:16:58 AM |