Present: Liang, Gross, Breitenberger, Harder, Eakins, Fraatz, Daniels, Horn, Weinstein, Mercerhill
- Biology 101 Honors embedded:
- Questions to be asked of proposers:
i. How many students would be affected?
ii. What is the Honors enrollment?
iii. Student letters to politicians – will the politicians know that the student is not speaking on behalf of the University? What is the precedence in Political Science and Journalism courses?
- Caroline will send responses for vote via email
- Physics survey
- Committee members are asked to contact 3-4 faculty members in their department that would be best able to complete the survey
- McHale discussion
- CCI proposals for B.A. only at this point
- Proposal has been sent to look at B.S. needs separately and in depth
- Provost wedded to 180 hours because peer institutions are closer to 180
- CCI proposing a decrease in the base requirements for Breadth and “add back” hours to provide flexibility
i. Allows Bio Sci students to count more sciences that they already have to take as GEC credit
- Question of whether this proposal will just be more confusing to students
- Committee feels that there is no point in implementing proposal if the purpose is not to decrease hours; if it is meant to decrease hours, it seems like a reasonably painless method
- Preference is to maintain current GEC