
Course Number
Course Title
Introductory Biology
Effective Term
Effective Year
Contact Email
Registrar's Office N/A 03/06/2007
Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Pending 03/06/2007
Honors Curriculum Committee Approved 11/27/2006
College Committee - BIO Approved with Contingency 10/16/2006
College Committee - BIO Sent Back 05/22/2006
Request Initiated 05/15/2006
Administrative Committee requests:
    Reinforce/elaborate requirements for "sound evidence"
    Clairfy/identify literature to be used in letter writing
    Committee feels faculty member should meet with students weekly,     instead of the proposed once every 3 weeks

** See responses in attached document below.
October 17, 2006
Administrative Proposal for Honors Embedded BIO 101, WI 2007: Response to Questions for Proposers

 Dr. Andrew Roberts and Dr. Shauna Weyrauch

1.  “How many students would be affected?”

Both new and returning honors students not majoring in science would be interested in enrolling in an honors-embedded BIO 101 course.  According to Linda Mathews, Academic Advisor at OSU-Newark, we have five non-science majors that can be completed on the Newark campus, increasing the interest such a course would generate.  Although students who are interested in our honors program are not admitted until they have completed two quarters of college level work and maintained a 3.4 or higher gpa, they are encouraged to begin their honors coursework immediately, making these students strong candidates to enroll in an honors embedded BIO 101 course.  Ms. Mathews estimates that between 5 and 7 students would be expected to enroll in an honors-embedded BIO 101 course in any quarter it was offered.

2.  “What is the Honors enrollment on campus?”

According to Linda Mathews, for Autumn 2006, 273 students have been invited to participate in the OSU-Newark honors program.  Of those, 102 are new first quarter freshmen.

3.  “Student letters to politicians – will the politicians know that the student is not speaking on behalf of the University?”

Students will write their letters as “concerned citizens” or “constituents,” not as affiliates of the university.  Student letters will not be written on university stationary, and students will be instructed not to mention their affiliation with The Ohio State University.  The instructor will review all letters prior to their mailing to ensure these guidelines are met.

October 12, 2006
Administrative Questions for proposers:

How many students would be affected?
What is the Honors enrollment on campus?
Student letters to politicians - will the politicians know that the student is not speaking on behalf of the University?
June 16, 2006
Bio 101 Hon. Embedded Course Request.pdf 05/15/2006 11:13:29 AM
Weyrauch_Honors_BIO_101_Response2.doc 11/06/2006 11:38:27 AM