Themes Panel (Active SP2021 - SU2022)


3:30 to 5:00pm
  1. Approval of 9-16-21 minutes
  2. Food Science and Technology 2400 (existing course requesting GE Theme: Health and Wellbeing)
  3. Pharmacy 2400.01 (existing course requesting new GE Themes:  Health and Wellbeing)
  4. Education: T&L 3101 (new course requesting GE Theme: Lived Environments)
  5. Linguistics 3803 (existing course requesting GE Theme: Lived Environments)
  6. Anthropology 4597.03H (existing course with GE Social Science—HNER; GE Diversity-Global Studies; and GE Cross-Disciplinary Seminar; requesting new GE Theme: Sustainability)
  7. English 3360 (new course) (requesting new GE Themes:  Lived Environments & Sustainability)
  8. English 2367.05 (existing course with GE Writing and Communication—Level 2 & GE Diversity—Social Diversity in the U.S.; requesting GE Theme: Lived Environments)
ASCC Themes Panel Approved Minutes 09-30-21.docx 10/26/2021 02:26:43 PM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
English 3360 Ecopoetics New Request Completed
Education: Teaching & Learning (EHE) 3101 Playing our Way into Learning New Request Completed
Linguistics 3803 Ethics of Language Technology Change Request Completed
Food Science and Technology (FAES) 2400 Introduction to Food Processing Change Themes Panel (Active SP2021 - SU2022) Sent Back
Anthropology 4597.03H The Prehistory of Environment and Climate Change Request Completed
Pharmacy (PHR) 2400.01 Addicting Drugs: Effects, Introductory Neurobiology, and Regulation Change Request Completed
English 2367.05 Writing about the U.S. Folk Experience Change Request Completed