Themes Panel (Active SP2021 - SU2022)


10:00AM - 12:00PM
  1. Approval of 7-14-22 and 7-28-22 minutes
  2. Plant Pathology 4321 (new course requesting new GE Theme Sustainability)
  3. ENR 3400 (existing course requesting new GE Theme: Sustainability)  RETURN
  4. FABE 3210 + 3211 (new courses requesting new GE Theme Sustainability, with HIP Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching) RETURN  
  5. Food Science and Technology & FABE 3400 (existing cross-listed courses requesting new GE Theme Sustainability, with HIP Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching) RETURN  (THEME IS ALREADY APPROVED; ONLY HIP NEEDS TO BE RECONSIDERED)
  6. Public Affairs 2150 (existing course requesting new GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) RETURN  (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY TAG BUT NOT BY THEMES PANEL)
  7. Islamic Studies 3201 (existing course with GE Social Science—Individuals and Groups & Diversity—Social Diversity in the U.S.; requesting new GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) RETURN  (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY TAG BUT NOT BY THEMES PANEL)
  8. Political Science 2120 (new course requesting new GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World & Health and Wellbeing) RETURN (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY BOTH TAGS; THEMES PANEL ALSO FULLY APPROVED FOR HEALTH AND WELLBEING; ASCC THEMES PANEL DID NOT APPROVE FOR CITIZENSHIP)
  9. Anthropology 3350 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations)
  10. Earth Science 2122 (existing course with GEL Natural Science—Physical Science with lab; requesting GEN Theme: Origins and Evolution)
  11. Earth Science 2122H (existing course with GEL Natural Science—Physical Science with lab; requesting GEN Theme: Origins and Evolution) 
  12. Philosophy 3210 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations; course previously approved for 100% DL)
  13. Anthropology 3409 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Origins and Evolution)
  14. Anthropology 5600 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Origins and Evolution)
  15. Anthropology 5609 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Origins and Evolution)
  16. Anthropology 3300 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Origins and Evolution)
ASCC Themes Panel Approved Minutes 08-11-22.docx 09/13/2022 02:47:36 AM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Political Science 2120 Follow the Science: The Politics of Health New Request Completed
Environment and Natural Resources (FAES) 3400 Psychology of Environmental Problems Change Request Completed
Public Affairs, John Glenn College (JGC) 2150 Nonprofit Organizing for Diversity and Justice Change Request Completed
Islamic Studies 3201 Muslims in America and Europe: Migration and Living Between Worlds Change Request Completed
Food Science and Technology (FAES) 3400.01 Sustainability of the Food Supply Chain Change Request Completed
Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering (FAES) 3400.01 Sustainability of the Food Supply Chain Change Request Completed
Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering (FAES) 3210 Introduction to Humanitarian Engineering New Request Completed
Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering (FAES) 3211 Introduction to Humanitarian Engineering Laboratory New Request Completed
Philosophy 3210 History of Ancient Philosophy Change Request Completed
Anthropology 3350 Native Americans of the Ohio Valley from the Ice Age to the Colonial Period Change Request Completed
Earth Sciences 2122 Climate and Life Over Billions of Years on Earth Change Themes Panel (Active SP2021 - SU2022) N/A
Anthropology 3409 Primate Evolution Change Request Completed
Anthropology 5600 Evolutionary Medicine Change Themes Panel (Active SP2021 - SU2022) Approved with Contingency
Anthropology 5609 Dental Anthropology Change Request Completed
Earth Sciences 2122H Honors Climate and Life Over Billions of Years on Earth Change Themes Panel (Active SP2021 - SU2022) N/A
Plant Pathology (FAES) 4321 Biological Invasions of Forest Environments New Request Completed
Anthropology 3300 Human Origins Change Request Completed