Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present)


2:30PM - 4:00PM
  1. Approval of 9-27-22 minutes
  2. Food Science & Technology 3100 (new course requesting new GE Theme Health and Wellbeing, with Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching High Impact Practice) (return)
  3. Pharmacy 2367.01 (existing course with GEL Writing and Communication—Level 2; requesting new GE Theme Health and Wellbeing)
  4. Nursing 3798 (new course requesting new GE Theme Health and Wellbeing with Education Abroad and Away High Impact Practice)
  5. History 3227 (existing course with GEL Historical Study and Diversity-Global Studies; requesting GEN Theme: Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations)  (tabled from last time)
  6. History 3070 (existing course with GEL Historical Study; requesting GEN Theme Migration, Mobility and Immobility) (tabled from last time)
  7. Earth Sciences & Civil Eng 3530 (new cross-listed courses previously approved for 100% DL; requesting new GE Theme: Sustainability with High Impact Practice Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching) (return) THEME APPROVED BUT HIP STILL NEEDS TO BE VOTED ON
  8. Music 3360 (existing education abroad course with GEL VPA; removing GEN LVPA & requesting GEN Theme Traditions, Cultures, and Transformation with High Impact Practice Education Abroad and Away)
  9. History 2401 (existing course with GEL Historical Study and Diversity-Global Studies; previously approved for 100% DL; removing GEN Foundation Historical and Cultural Studies; requesting GEN Theme: Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations)
  10. AAAS 3376 & History of Art 3102 (existing cross-listed courses with GEL VPA & Diversity—Global Studies; requesting GEN Theme: Migration, Mobility and Immobility)
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Earth Sciences 3530 Learning from disasters: Extreme events and their impact on infrastructure, engineering and society New Request Completed
Food Science and Technology (FAES) 3100 Global Cuisines: Food Science and Health New Request Completed
Civil Engineering (ENG) 3530 Learning from disasters: Extreme events and their impact on infrastructure, engineering and society New Request Completed
History 3227 Gnostics and Other Early Christian Heresies Change Request Completed
History 3070 Native American History from European Contact to Removal, 1560-1820 Change Request Completed
History 2401 History of East Asia in the Pre-Modern Era Change Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present) Approved with Contingency
Music 3360 The Brazilian Experience: Surveying Brazilian Culture through Music and Education Change Request Completed
Nursing (NUR) 3798 Nursing Study Tour Cyprus New Request Completed
African American and African Studies 3376 Arts and Cultures of Africa and the Diaspora Change Request Completed
History of Art 3102 Arts and Cultures of Africa and the Diaspora Change Request Completed
Pharmacy (PHR) 2367.01 Drug Use in American Culture Change Request Completed