Themes Subcommittee 2 (Active AU22 - Present)


2:30PM - 4:00PM
  1. Approval of 11-22-22 minutes
  2. English 3022 (new course requesting GEN Theme: Sustainability)
  3. Speech and Hearing Science 4530 (existing course requesting  GEN Theme: Health and Wellbeing)  (return)
  4. Philosophy 2465 (existing course with GEL Literature & previously approved for 100% DL; requesting GEN Theme: Health and Wellbeing)
  5. Public Health 3411 (new course requesting GEN Theme: Health and Wellbeing)
  6. Kinesiology: Health & Exercise Science 2995 (existing course requesting GEN Theme: Health & Wellbeing with Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching High Impact Practice and 100% DL) (return) THEME IS FULLY APPROVED BY EVERYONE; ONLY NEEDS ASCC THEMES PANEL REVIEW FOR HIP
  7. Food Science and Technology 3110 (new course requesting new GE Theme Sustainability with Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching High Impact Practice) (return) (tabled from last meeting) THEME IS FULLY APPROVED BY EVERYONE; ONLY NEEDS ASCC THEMES PANEL REVIEW FOR HIP; GUESTS AFTER 3PM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Kinesiology: Health and Exercise Science (EHE) 2995 Food is Function, Movement is Medicine New Request Completed
Speech and Hearing Science 4530 Introduction to Autism Change Request Completed
Food Science and Technology (FAES) 3110 Alternative Packaging for a Greener Planet New Request Completed
English 3022 Media Sustainability New Request Completed
Philosophy 2465 Death and the Meaning of Life Change Request Completed
Public Health: Epidemiology (PBH) 3411 Public Health Field Investigation New Request Completed