Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity Subcommittee


  1. Approval of 11-14-22 minutes
  2. History 2046 (new course requesting GEN Foundation REGD)
  3. Spanish/Comparative Studies/WGSS 2381 (new cross-listed courses requesting GEN Foundation REGD)
  4. Psychology 1375 (new course requesting GEN Foundations: REGD)
  5. History 3641 (existing course with GEL Historical Study & GEN Historical and Cultural Studies; requesting GEN Foundation REGD)
  6. Anthropology and NELC 2241 (existing course with GEL Cultures and Ideas, GEL Diversity-Global Studies, and GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies; requesting GEN Foundation REGD)
  7. Sociology 1101 (existing course with GEL Social Science—Organizations and Polities, GEL Diversity—Social Diversity, and GEN Foundation Social and Behavioral Sciences; requesting GEN Foundation REGD)
ASC REGD 01-23-2023 Approved Minutes.docx 02/20/2023 06:36:55 PM
Department Course Title Type Latest Committee Latest Status
Psychology 1375 I am. The Psychology of Identity and Culture New Request Completed
History 2046 Christianity and Liberation in the USA New Request Completed
Spanish 2381 Race, Ethnicity & Gender in Spanish Speaking Film & TV New Request Completed
Comparative Studies 2381 Race, Ethnicity & Gender in Spanish Speaking Film & TV New Request Completed
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 2381 Race, Ethnicity & Gender in Spanish Speaking Film & TV New Request Completed
History 3641 Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe (1450-1750): Diversity in Context Change Request Completed
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures 2241 The Middle East Close-Up: People, Cultures, Societies Change Request Completed
Anthropology 2241 The Middle East Close-Up: People, Cultures, Societies Change Request Completed
Sociology 1101 Introductory Sociology Change Request Completed